Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Industry Canada announces that on Monday October 17, 2011 CNCA will come into effect - Blog - Global Philanthropy

Industry Canada announces that on Monday October 17, 2011 CNCA will come into effect - Blog - Global Philanthropy: The long awaited Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act will come into force on October 17, 2011. Until October 16 the current legislation (the Canada Corporations Act) can be used for incorporation but as of October 17, 2011 only the new Federal Not-for-profit Corporations Act (CNCA) cana be used for incorporation. Therefore it is best if you haave signned documents to either get them in immediately or you will have to use the new forms under the new CNCA. If you use the old act you will have 3 years to move to the new act. Under the old CCA corporations will still for a few years be able to amend by-laws, of corporations, obtain supplementary letters patent, file an annual summary or surrender the corporations charter. At Blumbergs we will be busy helping organizations incorporate under the new CNCA and also transition/continue from the old act to the new act. While one does not require legal assistance with incorporation or transition for many organizations that are charities or have more complicated governance structures they may find legal assistance helpful.

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